termination of a pregnancy

termination of a pregnancy


Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removing the embryo or fetus before it can make it outside the uterus. Different people have different views on the issues of abortion. Some feel that it is morally wrong, while others think that there is no problem associated with abortion. Some people argue that abortion should not be allowed in the country, while others say that abortion should be an individual’s choice. The issue of abortion surrounds whether the fetus should be considered human so that the right to life can be applied to it as well. Other people argue that it is the freedom of a woman to decide how to lead her life with her body. When a mother is in danger due to the pregnancy, almost everyone supports the termination of the pregnancy to save the mother’s life. However, others feel that the life of the child should be taken as a priority. This shows that different people have different attitudes towards abortion, which may be caused by their upbringing and unique elements in a person’s life that impacts their attitude towards abortion.

How individuals perceive others is impacted by their affective content towards something. The affective content towards something relies on how it is perceived, and likewise, the perception is as well dependent on the effective content. Affective content is the experience of feelings or emotions. It affects individual interaction and can be displayed through facial, vocal, and gestural actions. Individuals who have a negative attitude towards abortion are less likely to listen to information about their sister’s mother or friends having an abortion. Most women always keep secrets on abortion due to the negative perception they have on this issue. Those people who believe that abortion should not be legal, are less likely to have heard another person having an abortion than those who have a positive perception of abortion. Those who have undergone an abortion tend to relate to individuals who have not experienced these processes. Individuals who do not support abortion tend to support abortion only in cases of rape, incest, or circumstances to save the life of a pregnant mother.

The perception of abortion varies based on race, age, religion, and background. There is little likelihood to hear about an abortion by an individual’s attitude towards it. Due to the emotions caused by abortion, most women who have undertaken this process tend to keep it a secret even with people that they mostly discuss their issues. This is because they perceive that their friends may develop a negative attitude towards them. Abortions are primarily taken a secret, especially from close family members. It is mostly kept a secret by many for privacy reasons as well as avoiding hurting their affection due to stigmatization from people. People’s negative attitude and perception towards abortion results in the people keeping it a secret. (New York University, 2014).

The difference in people’s perception about abortion may impact public opinion, possibly assisting in describing the corresponding stability in the people’s perception and opinion on abortion. Most victims of abortion revealed that they experience maternal emotions such as embarrassment for getting pregnant, negative affection, ending the pregnancy through an illegal abortion and the partner’s disagreement about the termination of the pregnancy. These factors contribute to the feeling of guilt and pain to the mothers.

An individual’s affective content dramatically interferes with how one interacts with others. Affective content mainly involves an individual’s feelings that one experiences as a part of each day’s lives. One may, at times, feel happy, sad, jealous, grateful, guilty, or embarrassed. Affect cannot be regulated nor checked. The effect can result in behaviors that are appropriate to an individual’s perception of a given event. Most times, emotions impact an individual’s judgments. The valued judgment makes the core of our social interactions. Through the interactions, we predict and somehow control people’s lives. These people raise alarm to something even if it is not harmful. The actual dangers do not mostly impact our sense of safety in the place that we live in; rather, it is affected by the predictability and a sense of control. For example, security personnel tends to be safe if they are confident with their combat skills. The primary area of basic control is moral blame. We maintain failures to keep pro-social emotions such as compassion and sadness and forego sincerity and trust in disgust. Moral interactions are primary feedbacks to an inferred emotional state. It acts as a reducing factor in both morally and legally defined acts. Society tends to forgive individuals with greater offenses than those who fail to repent. (Jhangiani & Tarry, n.d.).

After carrying out an abortion, many women experience both positive and negative feelings. Most women suffer from depression after undergoing this process due to some emotional side effects. These women tend to embrace loneliness as well as shun away from interacting with others. They isolate themselves from others to avoid being judged. They tend to go through sadness, where they experience grief and stress. Due to their negative attitude toward themselves, they may lose their self-confidence thus tend to isolate themselves from others.

It is likely for a person to experience emotional side effects after an abortion, such as depression. Where they experience the feeling of hopelessness, they may as well display some avoidance habits where they mostly avoid interacting with people that could induce re-experiencing the abortion experience. These events include; pregnant individuals, infants, and vaginal analysis. Post-abortion grief comes up when a lady is unable to operate through her emotional feedbacks to abortion. The most familiar impact of an abortion caused by emotions include anxiety, low self-esteem, and avoiding interactions with others (MacGill, 2018).

The theory of planned behavior is used to anticipate a person’s reasons to engage at a given time and place. The theory was meant to describe all behaviors over which individuals have the potential to practice self-control. The main element of this model is the behavioral intent. Behavioral intentions are affected by the attitude on the possibility of the behavior having the anticipated results and the subjective analysis of the risks and advantages of the results. The theory of planned behavior focuses on attitudes, subjective rules, and anticipated behavioral control. In this research, the theory of planned behavior was used to anticipate the reasons why women carry out abortions. Through it, I also learned about the benefits and risks of carrying out an abortion.

Additionally, the theory of reasoned action is used to explain the association between attitudes and behaviors in human behaviors. It is used to anticipate how people will act concerning their preexisting beliefs and behavioral desires. Based on this theory, a person’s decision to carry out a given action is based on the results that a person expects. Thus from this theory, women carry out abortion with a specific intention, of acquiring certain benefits such as relief. Therefore the theory of reasoned actions is widely used in clinical practices such as abortions by health care workers. The theory asserts that the agenda to carry out an abortion is most affected by the woman’s attitude towards engaging in that behavior and her perception of the norms involved in it. However based on this theory if individuals analyze the suggested action as positive, its outcome is of higher motivation (Martin, 2018).

Through the current research on attitude, people in society get to understand other people’s personalities. Thus they can guide their behaviors such as when at work or interacting with each other. Through this study, people will change their attitude since it is b

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