well-defined subject.

well-defined subject.

Final Thought Paper Rubric, 24 points

3 2 1 Sub-total
The Research Paper:

• contains a well-defined subject.

• presents a sharp focus and avoids general statements.

• provides sufficient and effective research that supports the thesis.

• pursues complex analyses and moves beyond simple statements of fact or opinion.

• reveals a strong understanding of the topic through the writer’s ability to interpret/analyze, and/or explain the ideas/quotations being used.

The Research Paper:

• contains a loosely defined subject.

• presents a focus but general statements are evident.

• provides some research that supports the thesis.

• somewhat pursues complex analyses and moves beyond simple statements of fact or opinion.

• reveals a mild understanding of the topic through the writer’s ability to interpret/analyze, and/or explain the ideas/quotations being used.

The Research Paper:

• contains an ambiguous subject.

• lacks a focus and is replete with general statements.

• provides insufficient and ineffective research.

• relies heavily on simple statements of fact or opinion.

• reveals a poor understanding of the topic through the writer’s inability to interpret/analyze, and/or explain the ideas/quotations being used.

Logical Organization:

• includes a clear beginning that pulls readers into the essay.

• introduction has a clear thesis statement followed by a brief description of 2-3 supporting arguments.

• presents ideas in an organized manner.

• uses transitions to link sentences and paragraphs.

Logical Organization:

• includes a clear beginning that mildly draws readers into the essay.

• introduction has an ambiguous thesis statement followed by a brief description of 2-3 supporting arguments.

• mostly presents ideas in an organized manner.

• uses some transitions to link sentences and paragraphs.

Logical Organization:

• beginning is unclear and not enticing.

• introduction lacks a thesis statement and a description of 2-3 supporting arguments.

• presents ideas in an unorganized manner.

• lacks use of transitions to link sentences and paragraphs.

Original Word Choice:

Contains specific nouns, vivid verbs, and colorful modifiers (words that describe nouns).

Original Word Choice:

Contains a mixture of specific and general nouns, vivid and dull verbs, and colorful and dry modifiers (words that describe nouns).

Original Word Choice:

Contains general nouns, dull verbs, and dry modifiers (words that describe nouns).

3 2 1 Sub-total
The Quotes:

• accurately support the argument.

• are properly integrated into the essay.

• are followed by effective citations with no evidence of plagiarism that give credit in the text.

The Quotes:

• mildly support the argument.

• at times, are properly integrated into the essay.

• are followed by some errors in citations.

The Quotes:

• do not support the argument.

• are not properly integrated into the essay.

• are followed by either incorrect or no citations.

The Sentences:

• express exact meaning because they are written as complete sentences.

• contain appropriate punctuation marks.

• reflect correct arrangement of words for clear meaning.

• uses engaging language to capture the reader’s interest.

The Sentences:

• express fairly accurate meaning because they are written roughly as complete sentences.

• contain some inappropriate punctuation marks.

• reflect slightly awkward arrangement of words for an attempt at clear meaning.

The Sentences:

• express inaccurate meaning because they are not written as complete sentences.

• contain inappropriate punctuation marks.

• reflect an awkward arrangement of words for resulting in unclear meaning.

The Conclusion:

• contains a well-developed assessment of the problem/issue that goes beyond superficial opinions and/or obvious facts.

• provides novel ways to resolve the problem(s) that the analysis reveals.

• has compelling reflections that extend the scope of the essay.

• leaves the reader thoroughly satisfied by the description of the topic.

The Conclusion:

• contains an assessment of the problem/issue that mildly moves beyond superficial opinions and/or obvious facts.

• provides a mixture of innovative and unoriginal ways to resolve the problem(s) that analysis reveals.

• has little compelling reflections that slightly extend the scope of the essay.

• leaves the reader somewhat satisfied by the description of the topic.

The Conclusion:

• contains a poorly developed assessment of the problem/issue.

• provides unoriginal ways to resolve the problem(s) that the analysis reveals.

• leaves the reader dissatisfied by the description of the topic.

The Works Cited Page:

• conforms to the MLA format.

• Primarily relies upon library-based sources (i.e. books, journals, newspaper articles, etc.)

•accurately reflects the works cited in the text.

The Works Cited Page:

• somewhat conforms to the MLA format.

• Contains some library-based sources.

•at times reflects the works cited in the text.

The Works Cited Page:

• does not conform to the MLA format.

• Most sources are not library-based sources.

•does not reflect the works cited in the text.

Total Points:

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