Letter of Transmittal

Letter of Transmittal

Your Letter of Transmittal should introduce the “primary reader to the purpose and content of the report” and “establishes a courteous and professional tone” (page 479). For a sample, see pages 488-489. Be sure to follow the guidelines in Chapter 18 and in the multi-media links provided under Required Resources in Week Five. Your Letter of Transmittal should be one page or approximately 250 words long.THIS SHOULD BE FOR THE FINAL REPORT THAT HAS BEEN WORKED ON ALREADY. ATTACHED ARE THE WEEKS WORK LEADING UP TO THIS , WEEK 5 RESOURECES AND RELAVENT PAGES NEEDED TO DO IT. MUST BE DONE ON TIME AND DONE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. PAGES 488-489 ARE AT THE END OF pages 488-489. IT IS A SAMPLE OF A Letter of Transmittal

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