story of personality.

story of personality.

You have read about several different approaches to describing personality (see Table 11.1). As you’ve read in the textbook and slides, every approach has its strengths and weaknesses.

Pick TWO perspectives on personality that you think do the best job of explaining it. I am asking for your personal view, based on your interpretation of the evidence provided in the textbook and/or slides.

The ones I want you to select from are: psychoanalytic (Freud’s), humanistic (Maslow’s and Rogers’s), social-cognitive (Rotter’s and Bandura’s), and trait (“Big Five” and Eysenck’s).

1. Describe each of the two perspectives that you selected.

You have read about several different approaches to describing personality (see Table 11.1). As you’ve read in the textbook and slides, every approach has its strengths and weaknesses.

Pick TWO perspectives on personality that you think do the best job of explaining it. I am asking for your personal view, based on your interpretation of the evidence provided in the textbook and/or slides.

The ones I want you to select from are: psychoanalytic (Freud’s), humanistic (Maslow’s and Rogers’s), social-cognitive (Rotter’s and Bandura’s), and trait (“Big Five” and Eysenck’s). 

1. Describe each of the two perspectives that you selected.

2. Explain why you think they do the best job of explaining personality.

3. Address the weakness(es) of your two selected perspectives. That is, write about why these perspectives do not tell the whole story of personality.

2. Explain why you think they do the best job of explaining personality.

3. Address the weakness(es) of your two selected perspectives. That is, write about why these perspectives do not tell the whole story of personality.

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