Spectrum Disorder

Spectrum Disorder

Running Head: Music Therapy for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder 1

Music Therapy for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder 2


Music therapy is a clinical and research-based use of music for interventions to accomplish therapeutic healing by a registered music therapist on a patient. The idea of music therapy is to enable patients, who are unable to talk, to use musical activities to express their emotions in songwriting, dancing, singing and playing the musical instruments. To administer music therapy, we require an approved therapist to assess the patients to determine their therapeutic needs. The therapists then provide a goal, schedule and times per week to visit the patient, performs the therapy as planned and evaluates the success of the therapy sessions at certain interval times. ASD is a combination of developmental disorders that affect the skills, behaviors, and levels of abilities in an individual. ASD affects both adults and children. The disorder can be detected after three years for children by their parents. In older children, the teachers or family doctors may detect such symptoms. The earlier the detection, the easier it will be to treat the disorder. For earlier treatment, it is paramount parents to be vigilante on the symptoms for ASD by consulting specialists in autism. The symptoms are in the behavioral symptoms and social interaction behaviors. ASD in children can be treated when caught earlier in developmental stages. Children display similar symptoms to ASD as adults with an addition of sensory problems, emotional difficulties, and uneven cognitive abilities. The methods of diagnosing to confirm ASD requires experts. Music therapy is one of the treatment methods that has proven to be successful in the treatment of children with ASD. Through the musical activities administered by musical therapists, music therapy has helped improve emotional responses, reduce anxiety in children, and improve communication skills of these children in their peer groups. Music therapy has shown that these children have superior abilities compared to their peers. Music therapy is, therefore, beneficial in the treatment of children with ASD and should be considered just like any other treatment.


Autism spectrum disorder ASD, Music therapy, and Systematic review.


My research focuses on the disciplines of Autism and spectrum disorder and music therapy for children. Autism spectrum disorder has been extensively involved with traditional music and music that is aligned with healing. Despite it having the positive impact on the patients, most music therapists have been focusing on the pragmatic use of music for the benefit of the patient, but rarely consider their healing relations practices to another indigenous healing method that are associated with music. The research will help us identify the ways and how to do the music therapy in children.

From the article of wheelers (2005) “Four studies assessing the impact of music therapy for children with ASD were known and analyzed the review. Our analysis of 4 studies shows that many studies had positive results, recommending that music therapy might be the best intervention for some children with ASD and for specific reasons. Despite the good result, some limitation has come out too which are has to be considered. (Wheeler et al 2005).


Research on music and healing in Music Therapy for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

The preview.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder involving persistent difficulty in social communication, social interaction, and reputation of restricted behaviors; interests, or activities. This is according to American Psychiatric Association. The symptoms of ASD are noticed in early development and result in significant difficulty in social, occupational or daily functioning. These symptoms of ASD can vary, for instance, approximately between 25 to 61 % of the victim to ASD do not construct a functional speech. While others might construct. They are often used in stereotyped ways these are basing to (Prizant Schlosser, 1996) and (Wendt, 2008) articles. Furthermore, one may experience intellectual disabilities which are less than 50 (IQ< 50), these are evidenced in about 25% to 50% of ASD cases, but still, the good IQ has been identified to the victims of the disorder. It is from this that the wide range of treatment is initiated and investigated these is according to Green article (Green et al. 2006).

Restrictive/repetitive behaviors

These ASD behaviors may include repeating actions or behaviors in certain moments. The individual may have an overly focused interest in an activity such as a moving object. The individual may also have a lasting and interest in specific subjects and topics such as numbers, facts, or details in art.

Social communication/interaction behaviors

These ASD behaviors may include getting enraged by a slight change in a routine or even entering a new place with over stimulating changes in light. The individuals may make little or inconsistent eye contact with people in an enclosure. The individuals may rarely share objects of enjoyment with others. The individual may respond in a queer way when other show anger, affection or distress. The individual may talk about a favorite topic without noticing the disinterest in the group of listeners. The individual may fail or be slow to respond to someone calling their name to gain their attention. The Individual may have facial expressions, gestures, and movements that do not match what they say. The individual may use odd words, that may be out of place, or that have special meaning to those familiar with is a way of speech.

Aside from the symptoms of behaviors, ASD individuals are unique and special because of their strengths and abilities that may include having a gifted intellect. The CDC reports (2012) suggest that 46% of ASD children have above average intelligence. Individuals can learn most things in detail and remember this information for a long time. The individuals have a high visual and auditory ability to learn. The individuals excel in Math, Science, Music, or Art subjects.

Transition to the main context.

Music therapy is one most effective treatment device that has been used for children with ASD. According to Greens article (Green et al.2006) and Reschke article Reschke-Hernández, (2016), music therapy is “a systematic process of intervention where the therapist helps the client to promote health using musical experiences and relationships that develop through victims as dynamic forces of change”. Lately World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT), defines music therapy as “the professional use of music and its elements as an intervention in medical, educational, and everyday environments with individuals, groups, families, or communities who seek to optimize their quality of life and improve their physical, social, communicative, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Research, practice, education, and clinical training in music therapy are based on professional standards according to cultural, social, and political contexts”. (World Federation of Music Therapy, 2017). Also, Music therapy refers to the clinical and research-based use of music for interventions to accomplish therapeutic healing and relationship by a proven professional in the field of musical therapy program in a higher education system (“Definition and Quotes about Music Therapy”, 2017). The therapeutic relationship when using music addresses physical, emotional, mental, cognitive and social needs of a person.

Music Therapy was initially used in the medical field for children with special needs in the early-mid-1900s in the United States. Its use then became widespread to the United Kingdom in the 1950s to 1960s. The therapeutic intervention then spread its reach to other parts of the world.

Idea behind Music Therapy

Music therapy has proven to give people who cannot easily communicate, a way of interacting and communicating. That instead of using words to talk, mainly if they cannot talk, they can use a range of musical activities like singing, playing instruments, songwriting and listening to music (“What is Music Therapy?”, 2012). These activities are aimed at promoting social skills like making eye contact and communication like drumming in sequences.

Music therapists use musical activities to teach new skills. The integrating of new skills happens when they pair the skills with a musical activity until the patient has learned to respond to the cues. Gradually, once they learn the skills, the cues will fade. When the patient has learned the skills, the music cues are phased out.

Stages of Music Therapy

The administering of musical therapy is done professionally. Music therapy involves the following stages (“Music therapy for children with autism”, 2017):

Therapeutic Assessment is done to the patients. Music therapy assesses the needs and strengths of the patients. The therapist may consult with the patient’s medical history or the patient’s doctor to determine the presence of other ailments.

The therapist then sets goals to which musical instruments to use and which activities to match for the patient. The Therapist will provide a schedule to teach the patient, and the time it will take to complete the therapy session.

The therapy the sets out to start the therapy sessions according to the schedule they put forward to teach the patient. The activities could include songwriting, moving to music, singing, playing instruments, listening to music, working in groups, tap dancing and improvising.

Evaluation of the program should regularly be conducted to make sure that it is successful in teaching the patient. The evaluations are like tests done to patients after a predetermined time. The therapy sessions can either be one-on-one or in groups. The session’s duration will depend on the needs and age of the patients. For children, music therapy will take place once a week for about 30-60 minutes. Those who have severe conditions will take more extended sessions to make it productive for the patient.

Music Therapy for Children with ASD

Teachers or music therapists do music therapy for children by integrating music with learning activities. For children with ASD, music therapy uses the interactive musical activities to improve the communication and social skills. Music has grown to become a tool used in autism therapy because it stimulates both halves of the brain, rather than one hemisphere. The therapist uses a song or musical instrument to teach a cognitive skill to a child to build self-awareness and improve their interpersonal skills (“The Benefits of Music Therapy for Autistic Children”, 2017). Music encourages interaction and socializing behavior which children with autism have difficulty.

The relationship between the child and the instrument will start within, and the as the child learns which represents their difficulty in interacting with others, but as they learn to bond with the object first and the interaction with other instruments in correlation. They can then open up to interaction with others with their instruments as well.

What to Expect with Music Therapy in children with ASD

Music therapy will benefit children with autism since the sessions involve a vital communication building exercise as well as relaxing motivation and playtime (Hardy, 2013). The music therapists give time for every skill they teach to children with ASD to develop and flower with its activity. The therapists will introduce one skill at a time whether it is singing, listening, dancing, or even playing their sounds of the instrument. The general atmosphere for each class or session is a safe learning environment with patience.

Benefits of Music Therapy for Children with ASD

Research by Autism Society of America (2015) support the benefits of music therapy for people with ASD. The research highlights how individuals with autism show superior abilities in labeling of emotions in music, pitch processing, and musical preferences when compared to typically similar growing peers (Isaacson, 2017).

The research further provides compelling evidence supporting the clinical benefits of music therapy. Individuals with ASD showed social-emotional responsiveness and communication, including improved compliance, reduced anxiety, decreased vocal stereotypy, increased speech output and improved interaction with peers. The finding also provides evidence of how much it assists in the learning of daily routines for people with ASD.

The music therapy in the research has found out that the anxiety felt by people with autism can be calmed through music. The report shows how music therapy can reach learners with ASD who often express themselves through repetitive behavior. The therapeutic aspect of the music that calms them intentionally creates a different mood that corresponds to the needs, tasks, and engages their minds.

Another benefit of music therapy for children is how they can be used to develop communication skills. Children with autism who have difficulty communicating their emotions can use music to identify how they feel and the therapists can teach them the right facial expressions, introspective awareness, and tones of voices that match them. Through learning to recognize the appropriate emotional and behavioral response, children with autism can have the competence, emotional and social awareness that would not produce unwanted behaviors.

In conclusion, the outcome of this research based on the emerging evidence comprising the effects of music therapy for children with ASD. Amongst the evidence base, a sufficient conclusive evidence comes out on reporting the impressive result to group music therapy as a reliable intervention for children with ASD. The impressive results have been reported to the respect of how frequent the verbal communication and social interaction were observed.it is because of this, that there is the anticipation of further research in comparing it with the other techniques of curbing the defect.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Prevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (pp. 1-23). Atlanta, Georgia: US Department of Human and Health Services. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/ss/ss6503a1.htm#suggestedcitation

Definition and Quotes about Music Therapy. (2017). American Music Therapy Association. Retrieved 27 October 2017, from https://www.musictherapy.org/about/quotes/

Hardy, M. (2013). Rhythm, Movement and Autism. Tuned Into Learning. Retrieved from http://www.tunedintolearning.com/rhythm-movement-and-autism/

Isaacson, A. (2017). How Music Therapy Helps Learners with ASD: Part Two. Autism Daily Newscast. Retrieved from http://www.autismdailynewscast.com/how-music-therapy-helps-learners-with-asd-part-two/2699/ashleyisaacson/

Music therapy for children with autism. (2017). Raisingchildren.net.au. Retrieved 27 October 2017, from http://raisingchildren.net.au/articles/music_therapy_th.html

National Institute of Mental Health. (2017). Autism Spectrum Disorder. National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd/index.shtml

Rosenberg, R., Law, J., Yonekyan, G., McGready, J., & Law, P. (2009). Characteristics and concordance of autism spectrum disorders among 277 twin pairs (10th ed., pp. 907-914). Arch Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine.

Smith, M. (2016). Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Parent’s Guide to Symptoms and Diagnosis on the Autism Spectrum. HelpGuide.Org. Retrieved from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/autism-learning-disabilities/autism-spectrum-disorders.htm

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Autistic Children. (2017). Nurse Journal: Social Community for Nurses Worldwide. Retrieved 27 October 2017, from https://nursejournal.org/community/the-benefits-of-music-therapy-for-autistic-children/

What is Music Therapy?. (2012). Australian Music Therapy Association. Retrieved 27 October 2017, from https://www.austmta.org.au/content/what-music-therapy

More Reference.

Bruscia, K. E. (1998). Defining music therapy (2nd Ed.). Barcelona: Gilsum NH Retrieved

from http://www.tunedintolearning.com/rhythm-movement-and-autism//

Cohen, I. L., & Sudhalter, V. (1999). Pervasive Developmental Disorder Behavior Inventory (PDDBI-C). NYS Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities.

Retrieved 03 December 2017, from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd/index.shtml

Davis, T. N., O’Reilly, M., Kang, S., Lang, R., Rispoli, M., Sigafoos, J., Mulloy, A. (2013). Chelation treatment for autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7, 49–55.

Retrieved from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/autism-learning-disabilities/autism-spectrum-disorders.htm

Dunn, L. M., & Dunn, L. M. (1997). Peabody picture vocabulary test (3rd Ed.). Circle Pines: American Guidance Service.

Retrieved 03 December 2017, from https://www.austmta.org.au/content/what-music-therapy

Edelson, M. G. (2006). Are the majority of children with autism mentally retarded? A systematic evaluation of the data. Focus on Autism & Other Developmental Disabilities, 21, 66–8

Retrieved 03 December 2017, from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd/index.shtml

Finnegan, E., & Starr, E. (2010). Increasing social responsiveness in a child with autism: a comparison of music and non-music interventions. Autism, 14, 321–348. doi:

Retrieved from http://www.autismdailynewscast.com/how-music-therapy-helps-learners-with-asd-part-two/2699/ashleyisaacson/

Running Head: Music Therapy for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder



Music th

erapy is a clinical an

d research

based use of music

for interventions to

accomplish therapeutic healing by a registered music therapist on a patient. The idea of

music therapy is to enable patients, who are unable to talk, to use

musical activities to

express their emotions in


, dancing, singing and playing the musical


To administer music therapy, we require an

approved therapist


assess the

patients to determine their therapeutic needs. The therapists the



a goal, schedule

and times per week to visit the patient, performs the therapy as planned and evaluates the

success of the therapy sessions at certain interval times.

ASD is

a combination




disorders that


the skills,




and levels of abilities in an

individual. ASD affects both adults and children. The disorder can be detected after three

years for children by their parents. In older children, the teachers or family doctors may

detect such symptoms.

The earlier the de

tection, the easier it will be to treat the disorder.

For earlier treatment, it is paramount parents to be vigilante on the symptoms for ASD by

consulting specialists in autism.

The symptoms are in the behavioral symptoms and social

interaction behaviors. ASD in children can

be treated

when caught earlier


developmental stages. Children display similar symptoms to ASD as adults with an

addition of s

ensory problems

, emotional





uneven cognitive abilities.


methods of diagnosing


confirm ASD requires experts. Music therapy is one of the

treatment methods that has proven to be successful in the treatment of children with

ASD. Through the musical activities


istered by musical therapists

, music therapy

has helped improve emotional responses, reduce anxiety in children, and improve

Running Head: Music Therapy for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder 1


Music therapy is a clinical and research-based use of music for interventions to

accomplish therapeutic healing by a registered music therapist on a patient. The idea of

music therapy is to enable patients, who are unable to talk, to use musical activities to

express their emotions in songwriting, dancing, singing and playing the musical

instruments. To administer music therapy, we require an approved therapist to assess the

patients to determine their therapeutic needs. The therapists then provide a goal, schedule

and times per week to visit the patient, performs the therapy as planned and evaluates the

success of the therapy sessions at certain interval times. ASD is a combination of

developmental disorders that affect the skills, behaviors, and levels of abilities in an

individual. ASD affects both adults and children. The disorder can be detected after three

years for children by their parents. In older children, the teachers or family doctors may

detect such symptoms. The earlier the detection, the easier it will be to treat the disorder.

For earlier treatment, it is paramount parents to be vigilante on the symptoms for ASD by

consulting specialists in autism. The symptoms are in the behavioral symptoms and social

interaction behaviors. ASD in children can be treated when caught earlier in

developmental stages. Children display similar symptoms to ASD as adults with an

addition of sensory problems, emotional difficulties, and uneven cognitive abilities. The

methods of diagnosing to confirm ASD requires experts. Music therapy is one of the

treatment methods that has proven to be successful in the treatment of children with

ASD. Through the musical activities administered by musical therapists, music therapy

has helped improve emotional responses, reduce anxiety in children, and improve

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