Results sections

Results sections

Psychology homework help
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For this assignment, you will submit an initial draft of your Methods and Results sections. Now that you have completed your data collection, it is important to revise your methods section so that it accurately reflects the methods that were actually used in your study.

In your Results section, you should first describe how you reduced your data for analysis (e.g., how your questionnaires were summed or averaged to get a composite score to analyze). Your Results section should also include a table of the relevant descriptive statistics. Last, you will need to describe the statistical test that you chose to run and provide the key results for the test as well as a brief explanation of the results. It is essential that you follow APA style when writing this section. Please refer to Chapters 2 and 5 of your APA manual for further instructions on how best to write a Methods and Results section.

attached below are the rubrics scoring guide that needs to be followed in order to create the draft and a summary of the draft that needs to be created

Posted: 2 Years AgoDue: 18/01/2018Budget: $20
Phyllis Young
4.5 (2k+)
4.5 (16k+)
2 years ago
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