Reflection: GMOs

Reflection: GMOs

I find that so much of what we believe is due to the manipulation of information. I feel it is important to keep an open mind when reviewing evidence-based information when evaluating a nutrition belief. This assignment challenges the belief that all GMO foods are bad.


Watch the following videos (these are the same ones on the previous page):

  • Watch

  • This is bit from Jimmy Kimmel (a little humor)
  • Watch

  • : This video is a Ted Talk given by Dr. Pamela Ronald. It is approximately 17 minutes in length.

Post your answers to the following.

  1. How did you feel about GMOs before you watched the video?
  2. Can one accurately make a statement that GMO foods are bad for you and there is no nutritional or economic benefit?
  3. Do you feel that Pamela Ronald made a good presentation with her work? Why or why not?

Tips For Success

  • Please keep the post to only what is asked in the assignment – if you have questions or other comments please post them in the appropriate forum.
  • Please DO NOT upload an attachment. We should be able to read your post in the forum without having to open any additional documents
  • You are not required to reply to your peers in this forum; but please feel free to do so if you wish to.

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