

Psychology homework help
PSY paper
Section 2: Developmental Psychology

Week 5 — Learning sections 7-1 through 7-3, 7-7 through 7-9, 7-11, 7-13, 7-16 Quiz: Thursday 3/1, Friday 3/2 Homework due

Concepts Studies

classical conditioning Pavlov’s dog experiments

unconditioned stimulus children observe aggression (Bandura et al., 1963)

unconditioned response attribution of fear/anger in infants (lecture only)

conditioned stimulus fathers play with babies (lecture only)

conditioned response teachers’ attention to pre-schoolers (lecture only)

operant conditioning mothers read to children (lecture only)

positive reinforcement


primary reinforcer or punisher

secondary reinforcer or punisher Names to know

extinction Ivan Pavlov

shaping Albert Bandura

superstitious behavior

social learning theories

observational learning

gender schema

Week 6 — Cognitive Development sections 5-1, 5-5, 5-13 Quiz: Thursday 3/8, Friday 3/9 Paper 1 due No homework due

Concepts Studies

motor reflexes babies view dogs and cats (Spencer lecture only)

Piaget’s cognitive stages children view model room and toy (DeLoache, 1987)

assimilation children view Band Aid box with pencils (Jenkins et al., 1996)

accomodation moral dilemmas (Kohlberg, 1983, 1984)

sensorimotor stage brain imaging of moral dilemma (Greene, 2001 textbook only)

object permanence

preoperational stage

egocentric Names to know

theory of mind Jean Piaget

concrete operational stage Lawrence Kohlberg


conservation developing morality

formal operational stage preconventional morality

abstract reasoning conventional morality

reflecting on Piaget postconventional morality

Week 7 — Lifespan Development pages section 5-14 Quiz: Thursday 3/15, Friday 3/16 Homework due

Paper 2 assigned, due Thursday 4/12, Friday 4/13


Erikson’s psychosocial stages Names to know

trust vs. mistrust Erik Erikson

autonomy vs. shame and doubt

initiative vs. guilt

industry vs. inferiority

identity vs. role confusion

intimacy vs. isolation

generativity vs. stagnation

ego integrity vs. despair

biological maturation

societal expectation

life crises

Experimental Methods and Measures of Central Tendency Lecture 3/12 see concepts after Week 15 below No quiz

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