New Hampshire University

New Hampshire University

3 1


Milestone 3

Sandy Pennington

Southern New Hampshire University

Milestone 3


Social and cultural evaluation and assessment is a very important aspect to establish the scope the extent of results and all possible variables that one may aspect when condition a research of implementing any form of project in a society or social setup. Most psychological projects or research are almost purely conducted on a group basis rather than an individual basis, where inferences or documentation of results based on the questionnaire or interview in regards to the topic of interest is done on specifically targeted group but group level or family level or society level psychology really counts. This is because there are several social factors that can influence many psychological parameters that exist in individuals or group of individuals, for instance culture, economic background, family line background, social structures, gender structures among many others. All these components have an effect on how psychology and the human psyche development happens (Vohs, & Baumeister, 2016).

The Psychology Theme of Self-Esteem

Back to the topic, which is centered on the psychology theme of self-esteem. As discussed earlier self-esteem has a huge impact on human development especially psychological, emotional and mental development. Self-esteem is built from the social interactions one experiences. How we interact socially with those around us has great influence on how self-esteem can be built within us, many a times rise and falls in self-esteem is as a result on the nature of interaction. This is especially applicable when we are trying to show how self-esteem is developing more during the uncertain times of adolescence, basically he suggested that during this phase of human growth and development self-esteem in an individual is most build because it is at this times where individuals do the most comparison of self with the people around mostly peers, and this is how self-worth is build and the perception of how other people see us begins (Bleidorn et al., 2016).

Social and Cultural Aspects

In short social and cultural aspects and factors play a major role in development of self-esteem and how it is hugely influential during the adolescent stage of human/ Child development. Since my project program is based on a social landscape evaluating these sociocultural dimensions will really help to guide my project. Evaluation of culture is important; my study is going to have a scope of several teenagers who are either in the process, about to begin the process or just passed the process of adolescent. Culture evaluation will include finding out the cultural factors usually being the beliefs and way of life of the people, in my case not only the teenagers but also the people around the teenagers. This will involve looking at several self-esteem parameters such as self-worth, self-belief, motivation, peer influence and other parameters. Finding all this out will help me in determine the all factors within the cultural scope of my study upon which the results will be based upon (Bleidorn et al., 2016).

Also assessment of social parameters including, economic background, religious background and other can every well explain several dimension to how self-esteem varies among this age group. Looking at how for instance economic back ground affects how an individual’s self-esteem varies especially during adolescence where so many of teenagers compare themselves with peers can be one area of evaluation interest (Vohs, & Baumeister, 2016). The standard of physical appearance is usually build by the perception our society has, where there is a certain physical appearance that is considered to be a work of art (beautiful or handsome) and some average or even below average these social standards play a huge role in development of self-esteem especially in adolescent teenagers.


Assessing and evaluation such as the ones I have stated above is important, it helps in identifying the underlying factors or processes within the society that actually build and develop self-esteem in general and specifically among the adolescent age group. Hence every result I give or recommendation will be on the basis of these evaluations above (Vohs, & Baumeister, 2016).


Bleidorn, W., Arslan, R. C., Denissen, J. J., Rentfrow, P. J., Gebauer, J. E., Potter, J., & Gosling, S. D. (2016). Age and gender differences in self-esteem—A cross-cultural window. Journal of personality and social psychology, 111(3), 396.

Vohs, K. D., & Baumeister, R. F. (Eds.). (2016). Handbook of self-regulati

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