


The Neuroscience of Test Anxiety

By Matt Steiner March 17, 2015 College Admission Requirements, College Counseling

For many students, college admission tests are accompanied by unpleasant physical and

emotional side effects – heart palpitations, distractibility, nervousness, self-doubt –

which sometimes lead to lackluster scores. We subsume all of these phenomena into

the category of ‘test anxiety.’

Although test anxiety is common enough, its physiological underpinnings remain a

mystery to most. Fortunately, research on the brain and its partner-in-crime, the

autonomic nervous system, has exploded in the last few decades. New technology,

especially fMRI scans, has illuminated the inner workings of the brain and its various

mental states, including fear and anxiety.

In this post, I will review the neurological origins of anxiety and suggest solutions for

managing it. I will primarily pull from the research and insights of Rick Hanson, a

neuropsychologist and best-selling author of Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience

of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom. Hanson’s book is particularly useful, because it pairs

esoteric brain research with practical exercises that help soothe an anxious mind. At the

crux of Hanson’s text is the belief that contemplative traditions, especially Buddhism,

allow us to rewire our brains and undo psychological suffering at its root.

The Threat-Response Mechanism

A basic understanding of the anatomy of the brain and the threat-response mechanism

is necessary to comprehend test anxiety.

First, from an evolutionary perspective, we know that our brain is comprised of both

ancient ‘subcortical’ structures (e.g. the limbic system) and more complex, human

‘cortical’ structures (e.g. the prefrontal cortex). Subcortical structures primarily evolved

for the purpose of survival; they allow us to detect threats, activate the body to avoid

threats, and stow away memories of threats to prevent future occurrences.


Conversely, cortical structures allow us to do the more complex reasoning and

emotional work that are central to humanity as a species. Generally speaking,

subcortical structures are more readily activated or ‘favored’ by the brain, because they

are responsible for keeping us alive. Favoritism toward subcortical structures, however,

becomes problematic when these structures activate at inappropriate times (like when

taking the SAT).

In a highly simplified way, this is how our brain and body respond to threats:

 Physical, psychological, and emotional threats all trigger the brain in similar ways.

In Rick Hanson’s words, threats and suffering ‘cascade through your body’ via the

sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

(HPAA) of the endocrine (hormonal) system.

 The amygdala, a subcortical structure, signals a neural alarm bell that prompts

the following processes:

o Stimulates the brain stem, which releases norepinephrine throughout the

body, shunting blood to important muscle groups (i.e. those necessary for

attack or escape).

o Galvanizes the hypothalamus – the brain’s regulator of the endocrine

system – which releases cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline).

Epinephrine increases heart rate while cortisol puts the brakes on the

immune system to prevent inflammation of potential wounds.

o Intensifies emotions and prioritizes the encoding of negative affect into

the brain. The hippocampus, which is responsible for recording new,

accurate memories is shut down.

o Increases the output of stress hormones that inhibit the executive control

of cortical structures. In extreme cases, our working memory, which is

responsible for retaining sophisticated linguistic and spatial information, is

wiped clean to make room for more automatic physical and mental


As you can imagine, the SNS/HPAA system was handy for early man as he fended off

dangerous predators. However, in today’s world, blowing up your sympathetic nervous


system does more harm than good. A hyperactive SNS will make you hot-headed,

irrational, aggressive, and – as we will discuss in a moment – unnecessarily anxious.

So What Is Anxiety?

Psychological and Physiological Origins

Much of the pain we experience in life is unavoidable: physical pain results from our

aging, mortal bodies; emotional pain derives from the eventual loss of loved ones.

However, a great deal of our daily suffering is rooted in our appraisals of pain and our

reactions to it.

According to Hanson, the unavoidable discomfort of life is what Buddha called the ‘first

dart of existence.’ Our maladaptive responses to these first darts – guilt about our

actions, anger regarding our circumstances, or anxiety about unfavorable outcomes –

are known as ‘second darts.’ Second darts are psychological in nature and can enact the

SNS/HPAA system with just as much potency as physical threat or pain.

To use Hanson’s language, anxiety is a mental consequence (among many others) of

throwing second darts at ourselves.

Now let’s get to the biology of anxiety:

When the SNS/HPAA system and amygdala are triggered too often, they lead to the

rapid arousal of state anxiety (anxiety based on specific situations). Additionally, the

amygdala helps form implicit memories (traces of past experiences beneath

consciousness) that are colored with fear and lead to trait anxiety (ongoing anxiety

regardless of the situation).

As I mentioned earlier, activation of the amygdala suppresses the formation of explicit

memories, which leads to the encoding of distorted, emotionally-laden implicit

memories. The outcome: individuals feel uncomfortably ‘keyed up’ and stressed during

an activity – like test-taking – and can’t figure out why. An anxious test-taker likely has a

sensitized amygdala and fearful implicit memories of past testing experiences that

surface without conscious awareness.


What Is Test Anxiety?

On its face, test anxiety is easy to define. It is an overactive, often unconscious threat-

response that is triggered by the act of testing. The more complex aspects of test

anxiety involve the unique configurations of ‘second darts’ that affect each student.

Second Darts for Test-Takers

Beyond the grueling, four-hour slog that typifies college admission tests (an unavoidable

‘first dart’), students may be stymied by any number of second darts that trigger the

SNS/HPAA system. Here are some common second darts that we see in the test prep


 A student has a history of poor performances on standardized tests and believes

that the SAT/ACT will perpetuate past results. He has immense shame about

previous test scores and is self-defeating in his assumptions about the future: “I’ll

never be any good at testing.”

 A student fears that the college admission test will define his educational and

professional trajectory in life, which shades the exam with excessive importance

and triggers a flight response.

 A student is high-achieving and worries that a sub-stellar performance will

dramatically undermine a portfolio of academic successes. At a psychological

level, he fears the dissolution of an identity – being the ‘smart kid’ – that is

precariously buoyed by grades and test scores.

 A student is a part of a minority group and fears that poor performance will

confirm negative stereotypes about his identity: gender, race, class, etc. The

phenomenon of stereotype threat is well-documented in the field of psychology.

The combination of a rigorous, lengthy, high-stakes exam (first dart) and the added

pressure that students place on themselves (second dart) is a recipe for powerful



Using the Mind to Eliminate Test Anxiety

After reading about anxiety and the threat-response mechanism, you may feel betrayed

by your own mind and body. As I mentioned earlier, we simply do not need the same

survival instincts as our mammalian ancestors. Fortunately, our flexible human brains

allow us to deliberately curb adverse reactions to suffering – including test anxiety – and

enhance our capacities for happiness and peace.

When Neurons Fire Together, They Wire Together

A principle tenet of Hanson’s book is the mutual plasticity of the ‘mind’ and the ‘brain.’

Hanson shores up a ton of research that shows how our conscious thoughts impact the

physical make-up of our brains and bodies, and vice-versa. At a cellular level, the 1.1

billion neurons that constitute our brains connect or disconnect, turn on or off, based

on the character of mental events. In fact, even beneath consciousness, every positive

and negative emotional episode leaves an indelible trace in our minds.

Unfortunately, because of the biases of subcortical structures, negative events are more

easily consolidated into our memories, and our perceptions of the present are more

readily drawn to troublesome stimuli. Consequently, it requires real effort to shift the

emotional tenor of our thoughts and behaviors to a more positive tone.

Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System

Although we have examined the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) in detail thus far, its

counterbalance, the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), is most essential to

mitigating test anxiety. Broadly construed, the PNS is what compels the body to ‘rest

and digest,’ especially after the activation of the SNS. The PNS brings the body and its

functions to equilibrium – slowing breathing, re-organizing blood flow, resuming

digestion, etc. As a result of the PNS, the cortical functions of the brain come into full

view, allowing for clear thinking and complex problem-solving.

Ultimately, the PNS yields a sense of tranquility and coolness that students need to

tackle college admission tests.


Here are some quick ways to activate the PNS that can be done before or during the

administration of a test:

 Progressive Relaxation: For 3 to 10 minutes, bring different parts of your body into

awareness and tense and relax them. You may move vertically along your body,

starting with your feet and ending with your brow.

 Big Exhalation: Inhale as much as possible, hold the breath for a few seconds, and

slowly exhale. A big inhalation expands your lungs, which then require a big

exhalation to bring them back to their resting size. This action stimulates the PNS,

which controls exhaling.

 Touching the Lips: Parasympathetic fibers are distributed throughout your lips, so

touching them activates your PNS. The presence of these fibers is likely linked to

early feeding behaviors in infants.

 Meditation: Meditative practices are the lifeblood of the PNS. A simple

‘mindfulness meditation’ involves the monitoring of breathing and the internal

sensations of the body for a prolonged period of time. Mindfulness meditation

can last anywhere from 3 minutes to an hour depending on the desired depth of

the exercise. Research has demonstrated that meditation improves the well-

being of the brain by:

o Increasing gray matter, which allows for stronger attention.

o Increasing activation of left frontal regions, which lifts mood.

o Decreasing stress-related cortisol.

o Strengthening the immune system.

Conclusion: Above All Else, Be Kind to Yourself

Although test anxiety is chiefly the result of the high-stakes nature of college admission

tests, the strength of anxiety and its concomitant affects (e.g. lack of confidence, self-

loathing, shame, etc.) can be ameliorated by recognizing second darts and challenging

their premises. As I stated before, college admission tests are an inexorable reality of

the admission process, however, they don’t need to trigger additional emotional

baggage. For test-takers who continue to beat themselves up about subpar scores, help

them redefine the significance of these exams. Having been in the field of test

preparation for nearly a decade, I can confidently say that test scores are not the


arbiters of adult success in school and career. For parents reading this post, explain to

your students that success in life does not always follow a linear path: immaculate GPA –

> great test scores -> college acceptance -> lucrative and fulfilling career.

One of Hanson’s most interesting methods for stimulating the parasympathetic nervous

system is visualization. More specifically, he advises that we cultivate self-empathy,

nullifying the impact of second darts, by imagining ourselves as young children. Hanson

asks, ‘Would we berate our child selves with the same harshness that we turn toward

our adult or adolescent selves?’ Definitely not. Your present self is just as deserving of

compassion as your ‘child-like’ self – particularly during the stressful process of college

admission testing.

Hopefully what I have written provides a first step toward understanding and coping

with test anxiety. I welcome any additional questions or anecdotes related to test

anxiety that you would like to share. Compass prides itself in its holistic approach to

tutoring, unifying strategy and conceptual teachings with personal empowerment and

the abolition of test anxiety.

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