Mental Rotation,

Mental Rotation,

Psych 465, Experimental Psychology: Assignment 10: Mental Rotation, Version 2

Prof. Swift

This experiment uses a version of the Mental Rotation program, in which a set of 10 forms are used repeatedly. The basic concept this time is to test the concept of mental rotation in a novel way. There will be a practice session, in which Ps are presented with 0 degrees and either +80 or -80 degrees. The idea is that if people really are mentally rotating, then if they are rotating from 80 degrees back to 0, they should rotate through 40 degrees. Those who are rotating from -80 degrees to 0 should rotate through -40 degrees. Therefore on the second phase of the experiment, those Ps who had practiced with +80 should be better at responding to +40 and those who had practiced with -80 should be better at responding to -40. Therefore the second phase will consist of +40 degrees and -40 degrees, congruent and reflected for everyone.

We will only be analyzing the data from the second phase. Therefore this will be a 2x2x2 mixed design, with one between-groups variable (whether the P had practiced with +80 or -80 degrees) and two within-groups variables: Congruency (congruent or reflected) and Degrees (-40 vs. +40). ezAnova does this awkwardly, forcing you to put the data for two Ps on a single line, always one P for Group 1 and one P for Group 2. I will go over this in class.

I may use performance on the first phase to control for any intergroup differences. If so, I will go over this in class after the data have been collected. I mention this here only to give a heads-up to anyone who may wish to include a second (optional) analysis after the data have been “corrected.” However, everyone should do the initial analysis on the uncorrected data, so you can feel free to get started on the report.

1. Flip a coin -> Heads you are in Group 1 (rotate Clockwise), Tails you are in Group 2 ( rotate CounterClockwise).

2. Run the version indicated from Canvas Files/Programs (either rotateClockwise or rotate CounterClockwise). Copy and save your Output screen.

3. Run rotateTest40 from Canvas Files/Programs. Copy and save your Output screen.

4. Enter your data into the online Google Results spreadsheet.

5. Find a friend/relative and have them do the opposite condition from you—i.e. if you did Clockwise, have them do CounterClockwise, or vice-versa. Then have them do rotateTest40. Save and attach their Output screens as well. Enter their data on a separate line of the same spreadsheet, but for the name, enter your own name followed by – F to indicate your friend. Do not use their names.

5. Analyze the data with ezAnova. Specify a design with 1 between-groups variable (Group) and two within-groups variables (Congruency and Degrees), as explained in the Information Document

6. Do a complete APA-style Lab report on the Mental Rotation Experiment. Include a header (search Word for help on Headers if you are not familiar with them) that contains a short version of the title (e.g. “Mental Rotation” plus the page number.

Some hints by Section are:

Title Page (Use the sample research report in your book or the one I did on Nerve conduction Velocity as an example.) You are free to use your own title and running header in the following example:


Mental Rotation of Novel Forms

Your Name

University of Michigan-Dearborn

Draft — Date


The word Abstract should appear centered and the whole abstract should appear on its own page. Refer to the sample research report in Canvas Files and/or the one in the back of your text. for an example.

Include one or two sentences to summarize each of the following four sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.

Introduction (does not actually appear as a heading in your Lab Report)

Generally in an Introduction, you review basic literature, then review more specific articles, then point out what still needs to be done, and finally produce a final paragraph that directly introduces the new thing you are going to do. Based on the information document, you should be able to do this, but also try to find your own articles, searching PsychINFO on such key words as “mental rotation” and “learning.” You will probably be better off if you select “keywords” or “Abstract” in the column at the right that determines what will be searched.


Mention that there are 10 shapes which get repeated over and over. Within each block of 10 trials, every angle and congruency (congruent/reflected) gets used once, so we end up with 2 blocks by 2 angles by 2 congruencies for a total of 80 trials. In addition, mention anything else that seems relevant (i.e. Participants, Apparatus, description of forms, etc.).


You will need at least one graph: Reaction Time (RT) by angle (-40 vs. +40 degrees, with separate lines for Groups (1=Clockwise, 2 = Counterclockwise), the data points should be averaged across both congruency conditions (Congruent and Reflected). This graph will be a Scatter Plot with data points connected by lines. If the 3-way interaction is significant, then do two panels, again Reaction Time (RT) by angle (-40 vs. +40 degrees, with separate lines for Groups (1=Clockwise, 2 = Counterclockwise), but this time do one panel based on the congruent condition and one panel based on the reflected condition. Do graphs for any other two-way interactions only if they were significant.

This should be a regular APA-style Results section. With full paragraphs in which you refer to the graphs as appropriate.

You should include mention of all 7 F values: the 3 main effects (Group, Congruency, Angle), the three 2-way interactions and the one 3-way interaction.

Attach your ezAnova output at the end.


The main effect we will be looking for is whether there is a Group by Degree interaction. In particular, based on the assumption that people really do mentally rotate the forms, it would make sense that the people in the clockwise group do better at +40 degrees and the people in the counter-clockwise group do better at -40 degrees.


Include all the articles mentioned in your report and only those articles, all in APA format.

Macintosh HD:Users:ZeinabHazime:Desktop:Screen Shot 2019-03-27 at 8.41.51 PM.png

Congruent graph

Reflected graph

Clockwise Minus40 Plus40 2051.823529411765 1994.823529411765 counter Minus40 Plus40 2055.823529411765 1818.117647058823 clockwise minus40 plus40 2408.0 2063.529411764706 counter minus40 plus40 1977.058823529412 2138.64705882353

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