emotional profile

emotional profile

Review the following article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/intense-emotions-and-strong-feelings/201012/it-or-not-emotions-will-drive-the-decisions-you

Review the following article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/intense-emotions-and-strong-feelings/201012/it-or-not-emotions-will-drive-the-decisions-you

Assume that you are a team leader, and your team is responsible for achieving a number of tasks in a relatively short time. You have noticed that some of your team members tend to get overwhelmed and make emotional decisions that don’t always work out to the team’s benefit. Other team members seem to thrive in those situations and deliver in tight situations. Based upon this article, make a list of things you can do as a manager to make sure you balance the emotional profile of your team so they can be productive. For instance, how would you pair people to work together? How would you communicate (i.e. in-person, via email, one on one, etc.)?

Assume that you are a team leader, and your team is responsible for achieving a number of tasks in a relatively short time. You have noticed that some of your team members tend to get overwhelmed and make emotional decisions that don’t always work out to the team’s benefit. Other team members seem to thrive in those situations and deliver in tight situations. Based upon this article, make a list of things you can do as a manager to make sure you balance the emotional profile of your team so they can be productive. For instance, how would you pair people to work together? How would you communicate (i.e. in-person, via email, one on one, etc.)?

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