conceptualization report

conceptualization report

Comprehensive Case Conceptualization Report and Written Presentation
Psychology homework help
Comprehensive Case Conceptualization Report and Written Presentation
DUE April 5, 2018


Comprehensive Case Conceptualization Report and Presentation (50 points – See Rubric)

· Complete a comprehensive case conceptualization report written in APA Style.The report will include the (a) biopsychosocial history, (b) mental status examination, (c) diagnosis, (d) description of theoretical orientation utilized, (e) case conceptualization, (f) treatment goals and objectives, (g) a minimum of 3 treatment strategies/interventions to be used, and (h) future plan such as continued treatment and after care.

Class Presentation of Case Conceptualization (must be written out as if you did it for real)

Prepare and present role play counseling session with student partner. Each student will be paired with another student, and each student will serve as the client and the counselor. When role playing the counselor the student will address elements related to the client:

· Psychosocial information on client

· DSM-5 diagnosis

· Demonstrate the theoretical approach used with the client and discuss the rationale for selecting this approach

· Demonstrate ethical practice, e.g. informed consent

· Issues related to diversity

· Treatment plan with operationally defined goals

· Treatment strategies/interventions to be utilized

· Prognosis and after-care recommendations for client Each role play session should be at least 20 minutes in length so that the characteristics of the diagnosis can be presented and so that the counseling theory can be demonstrated. Each student will be prepared to conduct a class discussion related to the role play and ask a minimum of three questions related to role play/case conceptualization.



Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Case Conceptualization Assignment Rubric

Learning Outcome 2, Direct Assessment A.a


Intake and History

30 points

Definitively covers all identified areas of comprehensive assessment information and

incorporates each of the following elements: referral,

presenting problem, comprehensive client history,

medications, SI/HI, vocational, legal, family, military, and diversity issues


20 points

Presents an accurate DSM-5 diagnosis including: consideration of

differential diagnoses and basis for rule out; and, client prognosis

with rationale.

Conceptualization and Intervention

Theoretical Model

10 points

Clearly articulates a professionally accepted theoretical approach and/or a set of empirically validated procedures or systematically integrates two or more such approaches with evidence of significant depth of

understanding of these approaches.


Fully incorporates the client’s history, current problems and personality style and applies the theoretical model and/or the empirically validated

approach to the client’s unique circumstances.


and Intervention

Legal/Ethical Issues

10 points

Carefully considers the legal/ethical implications of the case, maintaining

respect for client confidentiality and commitment to high professional



Demonstrates a good understanding of how cultural or other diversity issues influence the case and impact client assessment and treatment.

Treatment Plan

Clearly establishes a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment plan that includes operationally defined goals that are readily attainable

and assessed at regular intervals. Includes specific tools and/or

intervention methods. Referrals are rendered when appropriate.

The treatment plan addresses after-care services if/when the

goals are achieved.

Case Conceptualization

PYCL 0666

Learning Outcome 2, Direct Assessment A.a

Student’s Name: __Course Number/Section: ________________

Date of Evaluation: Examiner’s Name:


Intake and history (30 points)

Students must complete a comprehensive intake and history requires inquiring about and recording information regarding the following points:

– Reason for referral

– Presenting problem

– History of presenting problem

– Psych/Med/SA history

– Medications

– Current/previous SI/HI

– Family psych/medical history

– Family History

– Childhood history

– Educational history

– Vocational History

– Military service history

– Legal history and issues

– Cultural/diversity issues

– Religious/spiritual issues

Diagnosis (20 points)

Presents an accurate DSM-5diagnosis including: consideration of differential diagnoses and basis for rule out; and, client prognosis with rationale.

Assessment Sub-Score ____________(50)

Conceptualization and Intervention

Theoretical Model(s) (0-10 points)

___Is able to articulate a professionally accepted theoretical approach and/or a set of empirically validated procedures

or systematically integrate two or more such approaches with evidence of significant depth of understanding of these approaches.

Integration (10 points)

_____ The conceptualization incorporates the client’s history, current problems and personality style and applies the theoretical model and/or the empirically validated approach to the client’s unique circumstances.

Legal/Ethical Issues (10 points)

Carefully considers legal/ethical implications of the case, maintaining respect for client confidentiality and commitment to high professional standards.

Diversity (10 points)

Demonstrates a good understanding of how cultural or other diversity issues influence the case and impact client assessment and treatment.

Treatment Plan (10 points)

______ Clearly establishes a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment plan that includes operationally defined goals that are readily attainable and assessed at regular intervals. Includes specific tools and/or intervention methods. Referrals are included when appropriate. The treatment plan includes after care services if/when the goals are achieved.

Conceptualization and Intervention Sub-Score ______(0-50)

Assessment Sub-Score___________________________(0-50)

Conceptualization and Intervention Sub-Score_________(0-50)

TOTAL SCORE: ____________ (0-100)

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