TED talks www.ted.com (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Please select a TED talk related to any of the topics for the 3rd exam (circadian rhythms, sleep, movement, eating, emotions) and do the following:

a) Include the link to the talk (5 points).

b) Write in a sentence or two the main idea of the talk (5 points)

c) How would you explain the story in the talk to a 10-year old? (10 points).

d)  Write an essay question related to this talk (5 points).

g) Respond to at least 3 other learners in the class. You can ask questions or reflect on their post.  Simply saying that their post is interesting will not be enough (5 points).

NOTE: The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to further explore a topic of interest to you and to ask you to reflect on the topic by describing it in writing.  This assignment is also mean